Sustainable Indoor Shrimp.
"Indoor-raised shrimp offers a responsible seafood choice. Sustainably grown for consistent quality, year-round availability, and improved food safety."
Fresh. Dutch. Safe.
About Dutch VannameiAbout us and what matters to us.
It’s not a secret that shrimp farming causes a lot of pollution worldwide. And that apart from the harmful materials used in cultivation: antibiotics and hormones end up on your plate…
Time for a change! At Dutch Vannamei we farm in an ecological way. So without antibiotics and hormones and with a focus on nature and our environment.
MissionOur mission.
We strive to produce local, fresh, and healthy shrimp, without the use of any antibiotics or pesticides. Year-round production with an as little as possible footprint.
Our ValuesWhat we focus on.
As said: shrimp farming could be a dirty business, but at the heart of our operations lie seven key values that set us apart.
These values not only guide our practices but also reflect our commitment to sustainability, ethical farming, and the well-being of both our environment and communities.
Our ShrimpWhite Tiger Shrimp
The shrimp we breed is known as the White Tiger Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). A decapod species, which comes from the family Penaeidae. A shrimp that originally lives off the west coast of Mexico to the west coast of Peru.
One fun fact about the Litopaneus Vannamei shrimp is that they are able to change their sex from male to female as they mature. When they are born, they are all males, but as they grow older and larger, some will transition to become females.

PartnersOur Partners.

Dutch Vannamei B.V. operates with support from the EMFAF fund, a subsidy provided by the European Union. Through EMAF, the European Union allocates funds for the European Integrated Maritime Policy (GMB) and the Common Fisheries Policy (GVB). More information about the support we receive can be found at
ContactWe are always ready
to help you and answer
your questions
Dutch Vannamei B.V.
Hoogeveenenweg 10E,
2913 LV Niewerkerk aan den IJssel,
The Netherlands.
CoC: 91897033
VAT-number: NL865808880B01
Our facility is completely bio-secure.
Therefore we do not allow any visitors.